The hackers, which go underneath the title of OurMine, appear to have gained access to the Pichai’s Twitter account using a vulnerability in Quora. The hack became evident when Pichai’s Twitter account started showing tweets linking to Pichai’s Quora posts, referencing OurMine. On 9 August 2004 the Federal Communications Commission started pushing for all Internet protocols to be made much less secure to make it simpler to watch them. People who are simply good enough to run the machines and do the paperwork and simply dumb enough to passively settle for all these more and more shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the lowered benefits, the top of extra time and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to gather it.” –George Carlin “I won’t let something Jesusy come involved with my wangulus.” –Derek Pegritz “Harvard is an funding bank pretending to be a faculty.” –Bret Devereaux Goodhart’s Law: When a measure becomes a goal, it ceases to be an excellent measure. “We design the Internet for the pessimal atmosphere; if a person may be harmed, they most likely will be, someplace.” –RFC 8890 The last resort of the innocent is at all times publicity. “There may be nothing to achieve proper now except to insist that the one achievement is caring for others, and not caring specially for household or mates, however in caring for each person as our household or pal.” –Sarah Miller “You’ll be able to run software from 1980 or 2005 on a fashionable desktop without a lot trouble, however anything between there and 2-three years ago?
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Mr Williams’ Twitter account was hacked on Wednesday, by means of his Foursquare account, by the hacking group OurMine. In a press release to The following Web, the hacking group claimed it has shared particulars of the security gap with question and answer site Quora, however hasn’t heard back. A Twitter spokesperson advised MailOnline the social media site itself had not been hacked. Mr Williams’ Twitter account was hacked by his Foursquare account. Now it appears the Facebook founder was not their solely excessive profile target as Evan Williams, the co-founder and former chief government of Twitter has additionally been hacked by the identical group. Fuck ’em.” –Ice-T Experience: Elitist activity thought of price ineffective by C-ranges. Now largely replaced by certifications. –The Devil’s IT Dictionary “Individuals who let you know that rights are a zero-sum sport wherein someone’s life needs to be worse so someone else’s could be better are lying.” –Roz Kaveney “Fairy tales don’t train youngsters that monsters exist. Agency Kolkata Escorts Imperial has the very best collection of VIP Models Escorts Kolkata affords you proper now. Kolkata Escorts Imperial Elite High Class Teen Best Busty 24/7 We’re the Kolkata VIP Escort company. In the vast majority of cases we are able to find the morbid character of the perversion not within the content material of the new sexual purpose however in its relation to the traditional.
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